
i newspaper, November 23, 2024

Using a spellchecker won’t pick up everything, eg it would accept ‘their’ when it should be ‘there’ or vice versa, but it would save you from an idiotic mistake like mis-spelling ‘buoyant’. Either they don’t have any form of revising at the i newspaper or there are at least two people who think that ‘bouyant’ is near enough.



Times, November 20, 2024

‘Coruscating’ means exactly the opposite of what the Times writer/sub intends. It means ‘sparkling’ or ‘flashing’ as in ‘a coruscating diamond tiara’. The word wanted here was probably ‘excoriating’, which means ‘scathing’ or ‘severely critical’. While checking this I was horrified to find that Oxford Languages, the self-proclaimed ‘world’s leading dictionary publisher’, accepts ‘scathing’ as a secondary definition after the correct one.  This is simply legitimising an incorrect usage. I give up.


Father messaged wife on WhatsApp to say he had just finished his first Snowdonia peak climb before falling to his death and laying undiscovered for months, inquest hears

Mail Online, November 13, 2024

I’m afraid when I hear people misusing tenses of the verb ‘to lie’ I file them under the heading Stupid. Really, no sub-editor should get this wrong.

Here is my explanation from Style Matters:


  • lay: This is the past tense of the verb ‘to lie’ as in ‘I lay on the ground yesterday’ and is also the transitive verb (transitive means it must take an object; it cannot stand alone) ‘to lay’ as in ‘the hen lays eggs’ or ‘I am going to lay the table’. The past tense of ‘to lay’ is ‘laid’. Of course, as everyone knows, ‘lay’ and ‘laid’ are also colloquial sexual expressions and great care must be taken to avoid an inadvertent double meaning. However the chief offence is using ‘lay’ instead of ‘lie’, as in ‘I’m going to lay down’, ‘She is laying on the bed’ or ‘The lion lays in wait for its prey’, or using ‘laid’ instead of ‘lay’, as in ‘He laid on his bed’. To complete the confusion there is the verb ‘to lie’ or tell an untruth. This one is comparatively simple, however.

    A brief tour round the tenses:

    to lie (as in recline)

    present: I lie on the bed, he lies on the bed/I am lying on the bed

    past: I lay on the bed, he lay on the ground

    participle (with a form of have) I/he/we have/has/had lain on the bed

    Note that the word ‘laid’ does not exist in this verb.

    to lay (as in to put or place, followed by an object)

    present: I lay the table, the hen lays eggs/I am laying the table

    past: I laid the table, the hen laid eggs

    participle: I/she have/has/had laid the table

    Note: this is the only polite use for the word ‘laid’.

    to lie (as in to tell an untruth)

    present: I lie, he lies/he is lying

    past: I/he lied

    participle: I/he have/has/had lied

    You will see that there are numerous opportunities for double meanings even if you are being perfectly accurate. If you see such a pitfall looming, at all costs find another form of words. If you are about to use the word ‘lay’ at all, and you are not 100 per cent sure that it is correct, check. There are few errors that betray ignorance as much as this one. Incidentally, British writers use ‘lie of the land’ while Americans say ‘lay of the land’.



Mail Online, November 11, 2024

This is a common error. The word for ‘coming under intense criticism’ is ‘flak’,  which evolved during the Second World War as a contraction of the German word Flugabwehrkanone meaning ‘aircraft defence cannon’ or anti-aircraft fire. I note that there are some internet sites which say that ‘flack’ is the right spelling, but this is nonsense.  The only correct use of ‘flack’, as far as I am concerned, is an Americanism meaning a press or PR agent.  Or poor old Caroline Flack.


Times, November 7, 2024

It shouldn’t surprise me that the sub responsible for the Times splash doesn’t know how to conjugate a verb, but it does.

The past tense of ‘to sink’ is ‘sank’. ‘Sunk’ is the past participle, which is used with forms of ‘have’, such as ‘I have sunk the ship’ and ‘I had sunk the ship’. It is also the passive, as in ‘the ship was sunk’. This is an increasingly common error with many verbs, and I suppose the dictionaries will eventually legitimise it.




Bruno Fernandes: I called Erik ten Hag to apologise. I feel responsible

Picture caption: Fernandes, pictured in happier times with Ten Hag after their FA Cup triumph last season, said that he was disappointed that the Dutchman had gone

Bruno Fernandes called Erik ten Hag to apologise after the Dutchman was sacked by Manchester United last week.

The club captain said the players have to take some of the blame for their worst start to a league campaign since 1986-87 and revealed he had made contact with Ten Hag after the manager’s dismissal last Monday.

United’s 1-1 draw with Chelsea on Sunday leaves them 13th in the table after their opening ten games with only 12 points and while Ten Hag paid the price for their worst start in more than 30 years the players know they have to improve.

“We know that Erik [ten Hag] has gone; it is not good for anyone at the club when the manager goes. The team is not the best, the results are not the best and he is the one who pays for it. Whenever you see a manager go you have to take some of the blame on yourself; it is because the team is not doing so well,” Fernandes said. “It is easier to get rid of a manager than 15 players. I spoke to the manager [Ten Hag] and apologised to him,

Times, November 4, 2024

I am almost certain that the name is Erik ten Hag, though some say it is Ten Hag. What is unforgivable here is the random mix of lower case and caps. If you cannot find a definite spelling, the very least you can do is be consistent. This is utterly pathetic – the sub could obviously not care less. And as for the caption: ‘in happier times’ is one of the worst clichés in the book.


Draper’s frustration was demonstrated when he obliterated his racquet after going a break down in the first game of the decider.

BBC Sport online, November 1, 2024

To obliterate means to destroy completely so that no trace remains. It would have been a smart trick but what he actually did was to smash his racquet.


i newspaper, October 31, 2024

I grew up in the hot metal era, when subs were subs. We were not expected to be typesetters, proof-readers and compositors all in one (for me and many others it was horrible to be responsible for so many skilled people being out of a job, notwithstanding the Spanish practices that existed).  One of the few advantages of ‘new tech’, as we called it (no doubt the term is something far more up to date now), is the spell-checker. It won’t pick up the difference between ‘their’ and ‘there’ (though I expect it soon will) but it would stop your publication looking ridiculous with ‘Rubgy’. Use it.



Times, October 30, 2024

Quality control at the Times is now on a par with Mail Online, viz non-existent. How anyone above the age of 13 can write ‘snuck’ is beyond me, and presumably it was another young person who did not know that the James Bond film is called A View to a Kill, even though it must have been on telly a hundred times. Someone should be monitoring copy so that silly mistakes like this do not get into the paper.