
Withybush: Child hurt after car hits pedestrians at hospital

BBC  News online, June 21, 2023

There seems to be a firm conviction these days that ‘after’ means the same as ‘when’, but ‘after’ means it happened later. This heading implies that the car hit the pedestrians and that subsequently someone came along and hurt the child.


A young farmer had a ewe-ge surprise when her sheep gave birth to six healthy lambs in a “very rare” event.

BBC News Online, March 18, 2023

I cannot believe that the BBC, allegedly staffed by adults, thought that this effort was acceptable. Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe it.


Dozens killed after two trains collide in Greece

BBC News online, March 1, 2023

Is there anyone left who understands the difference between ‘when’ (ie at the same time) and ‘after’ (ie later)? This heading means that two trains collided and dozens were killed at some later time. It’s nonsense.


i newspaper, February 27, 2023

This is a classic example of the lack of curiosity I am always moaning about. How can you possibly send this through without saying how many wins he already has? You might as well not use the story. For the record he has 723 wins so needs another 77. Incidentally it looks to me as it this is an agency story as the identical wording appears in the Mail. The ‘i’ sub has cut it  above the paragraph about the number of wins he already has.  This is lazy and incompetent.


“I find all Mr Kirwan did outside the supermarket, when the defendants were by the trollies, was to admonish them for their trouble-making and anti-social behaviour in the lavatories.” Mr Justice Fraser said.

BBC News online, February 16, 2023

This is a common error –  the plural of words ending in ‘ey’ is ‘eys’, not ‘ies’. Thus trolleys, flunkeys, lackeys, donkeys etc. Also storeys for a building in Britain, but in the US it is spelled ‘story’ so there the plural would be ‘stories’.

Note the careless punctuation error in the BBC piece, a full point at the end of the quote instead of a comma. Sigh.



The Times, January 15, 2023

This is by Martin Samuel, a highly paid sports writer who in this autobiographical piece repeatedly refers to his ‘bent’ for English. One would therefore think he would know how to spell the name of Philip Larkin, possibly the best known British poet of the 20th century. If he doesn’t, the sub certainly should. This is ignorance of a high level.

Actually, if you a connoisseur of journalists who think they can write, this is a good example of the genre. Pure gibberish. You can see it here.


Times, December 13, 2022

Spot the difference between the heading, the intro and the caption. That’s right, there isn’t any.  This is pathetically poor practice. The heading could have been

Hoaxer Lewis-Smith dies

The caption could have been

Lewis-Smith: Targeted Princess Diana